The Beauty of the Surprise Trip

Surprise Trips…good idea or bad idea?

Probably my favorite thing in the entire universe is seeing my kids’ happy little faces. It doesn’t often take much to make them happy (although sometimes it does, depending on their moods, the phase of the moon, and how much sleep they have gotten). So I was super excited this past weekend because we took them to the beach in Florida for the weekend, and they didn’t even know we were going. We picked them up from school on Friday & told them we were driving right to the airport. They were screaming (with excitement) and couldn’t wait to get their feet in the sand!  This is the beauty of the surprise trip:



I’d like to thank Miles & Points for making these kinds of moments possible for my family. I’d like to thank my credit score for being good and for allowing me to utilize you to the best of my ability to book free trips like this for 4 people. Thank you for helping me to write my family’s story in my children’s memories. When they are grown, their stories will go something like this…..”we did the coolest things when we were kids, our parents used to surprise us with fun trips to the beach, cruises, and trips to Disney” (they won’t remember how they hysterically cried about that one***).

A family vacation…there is nothing quite like it for building those bonds. To escape from the everyday of work, school, homework, chores, cleaning the house, doing the bills. That’s why I do what I do with collecting miles & points, finding bargains, searching out the best deals, and planning, researching, and more planning and researching. To see my kids swimming in the ocean in Florida for a weekend when the ocean closer to home is just too cold. We had a fabulous weekend, and the surprise factor added to the excitement this time.

 The Disney Surprise Trip – Fail

*** So a bunch of years ago, when the kids were pretty little, we thought it would be a fabulous idea to do the whole “we’re going to Disneyworld!” thing by surprising them with a trip. It was not the first time they would go to WDW, so we just knew how excited they would be to return to the happiest place on earth. It was in the wintertime, over one of our school breaks. Since our flight was pretty early, we had to wake them up around 4am. Armed with the videocamera, we first went into our son’s room (he is the older one). We gently shook him awake, and when he opened his little eyes we shouted “Wake up! We have a surprise! We are going back to Disney!!!!” and he immediately started crying. Uh oh. His first concern was that it would be too cold (it was cold and snowy at our house in PA). We explained to him that FL is much warmer than PA, and that we would be flying on an airplane to get there. After a little while, he calmed down…

Then we went into our daughter’s room to wake her up (hoping her brother would be excited at this point and help us out, but that didn’t happen). We tried a gentler and less enthusiastic approach this time. “Hey honey, wake up…we are going to do something really fun today! We are going to see Mickey and the Disney Princesses again!” Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Uh oh. So she started crying that she was too tired to go to Disney & she didn’t want to get out of bed.

This whole surprise thing was turning into a huge cluster. Parenting epic fail. Oops. The good news was that things could only go uphill from that point on, and we had a fantastic Disney trip (although my husband hurt his back & I had to push and lug around the double stroller by myself the whole time…come to think of it, not our best Disney trip ever….). It’s something to laugh about now though.

A surprise trip to Disney….not the reaction we were expecting!

Have you ever surprised anyone with a trip?

Was it a good idea or a bad idea?